Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Love, Humility and Pentecost

            There is certainly no end to human arrogance.  It has been with us since we were created.  I know that when I was an older brother, I tormented my younger brother unmercifully.  The reason was simply that I was older and bigger than he was.    My granddaughter has two sons, one is three, the other has just had his first birthday.  When I watch the two of them play together, they remind me of my own antics when I was their age.  The youngest has just learned to walk, and tries to get around his brother.  With a snarky look on his face, his older sibling won’t let him get by.  It isn’t just to be mean, it is the arrogance of being a bigger brother and calling the shots.  They will work this out in time.  One of these days, the youngest will punch his brother in the nose and they will be on their way to a solution.  This isn’t how we would like things to be, but given our tendency to want control and our arrogance in exercising it, it is the way that things will be.

            It isn’t much different in adult affairs.  Political parties don’t get along well either.  Neither do nations.  That is why we have had a continual arms race since we have created countries and borders.  The strongest always wants to control the weakest.  We don’t say it that way, but it certainly works out like that.  The Middle Eastern countries are currently trying to work out their differences, religious, political and economic and are having a terrible time getting to a place of agreement.  Mostly there have been wars and rebellions.  They will work things out also, but only when the armies retire and there is some way to come to an agreement over the things that divide them.  We would love for all of this to happen without bloodshed, but the problem is that power is what the different factions seek and there is very little humility abroad in those lands.

            The same thing is true in our country.  Washington is rocked with division that paralyzes our congress and keeps anything at all from getting done.  It is disgusting that something as simple as requiring background checks for those who want to buy weapons can’t pass congress although some ninety percent of Americans believe that it needs to be our law.  This is because of the terrible lack of humility on both sides of this argument.  It won’t end until there is leadership that demands action. 

            In the earliest of times, human beings decided to build the tower of Babel to reach to the heavens and control the world.  God confused human language and destroyed the tower and it never happened.  We turned our attention instead to controlling one another.  If you read the Old Testament, it is one war after another.   You will read of God leading the armies of the Hebrews against the armies of the Philistines, or the armies of the Babylonians defeating the Hebrews and leading them off to captivity, and the armies of the Romans defeating the Hebrews and occupying their land with little freedom for anyone. 

            Finally, sick of it all, God sent his Son to come into this world to teach us humility and Love.  That is what the Gospels are all about.  But Jesus didn’t stop the arrogance.  Because of his preaching and his Love, he was crucified and buried.  It was then that God caused Jesus to rise from the dead and promise  to his disciples that the Spirit would come to comfort and to lead them. 

            That is what the Day of Pentecost is all about.  The coming of the Spirit of God into the world to continue what Jesus began.  In the Acts of the Apostles, we have the story of the Spirit alighting like flames on the heads of the apostles giving them the ability to speak in the multiple languages of the crowds, thus curing temporarily the problem of Babel.  This day is obviously not the end of the problem, the church itself has proved that through the years since, with all of its own wars and petty squabbles, but it is an example to all of us of what we need to do to get this world into some kind of order.  Love and Humility is the key.  Jesus told us to love one another as he loved us.  When we are able to do this, the arrogance falls away and we are able to do wonders-- even be the church in a world that needs it so desperately.

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