remember the first of the Indiana Jones movies, Raiders of the Lost Ark, when they discover the Ark of the Covenant
that had been owned by the Hebrew tribes since Moses got the Law on Mt. Sinai.
There are a lot of adventures and finally, Indiana and his companion are all
tied up at the end of the movie while some Nazi’s open the Ark and are destroyed by the fires that erupt from
within. Finally, Indiana takes the Ark
and transports it back to the United States where in the last moments of the
film, as the credits roll the Ark disappears into a massive government
warehouse probably never to be seen again.
I loved that scene for a number of
reasons. First of all, how God’s law
superseded the Nazi militancy and dictatorship.
Secondly, the way that the whole thing was stored away at the end so
that we still have it, but presumably don’t really know where it is.
The truth of it all is that we
really do know where it is. The Ten
Commandments were given to Moses early in his prophetic life, have been with us
through all of the development of our religions. We know on some level that they are true and
that we need them. Many people have been
tempted to worship them. There is the
story of the judge in Alabama who wanted to build a monument to the ten
commandments in his court and was prevented by other judges who told him that
this wasn’t quite right.
The Ten Commandments became a
foundation of the law that was added to and expanded in the Books of Leviticus
and Deuteronomy to include all manner of things that humans like to do; the law
is expanded throughout the Old Testament.
One of the great gifts that Jesus gave to
humanity was to tell us what it is that God wants from all of us. In the Sermon
on the Mount are the beatitudes that outline God’s grace for those who suffer: blessed are the meek; they shall inherit the
earth; and blessed are those who
mourn for they shall be comforted. Then finally Jesus gives us his
commandments. The first of these is to Love the Lord your God with all of your
heart, soul and mind. This is the first
and greatest commandment, Jesus says.
And the second is like unto
it: Love your neighbor as a person like
yourself. On these two commandments hang
all of the law and the prophets.
That is incredibly good news for all
of us. Love is the critical issue. We don’t have to spend our time acting like
the supreme court analyzing the commandments to be sure that we obey all of
them. All that we have to do is to love
our God and each other.
But that isn’t really easy, is
it. Look at this society of ours. I get to the point sometimes that I don’t
want to watch the news. One thing after
another seems to cloud our contemporary lives. How many shootings have we had this year? This
month? This week? I’ve also been
disgusted at the way that the kids at the border have been treated – taken away
from their parents and locked in cages.
We can certainly do better than this.
On the good side, what a wonderful show of love was given to those
soccer players stranded in the cave in Thailand. One of the seals who was trying to rescue
them died, but all twelve were rescued along with their coach.
has always been elusive to us because of our human greed and egos. There are
lots of stories about how we have failed to love. The story in Mark’s gospel about John the
Baptist telling King Herod that it isn’t lawful for him to marry his brother’s
wife does nothing but get him imprisoned and finally beheaded when Herod’s
daughter Salome danced and asked for John’s head on a platter. And it certainly
didn’t take humanity long to deal with the beauty that Jesus offered to all of
us. He threatened the established
religion to the point that they had to get rid of him.
soon as it was possible, he was arrested, turned over to Pilate and the Romans
and crucified on the cross. But even
with all of this, God wasn’t finished. From
his place on the cross, Jesus forgave those who crucified him; he invited the
thief who was crucified with him to join him in eternal life and three days
after his crucifixion, Jesus was raised from the dead to remind us once again
that Love is the issue. God’s
extravagant love of us all to not let Jesus’ death be the last word; and to continue
to love each of us in our lives.
how do we continue to love in the face of all of the noise and corruption that
is around us? I know that there have been prayer meetings
about the kids on the border and that a number of churches have gathered food
for the hungry. This is the kind of good
work that love for one another dictates. A number of churches are supporting the kids on the border by holding prayer meetings, raising money and doing other things to help. These things might seem to be small, but they make a difference. Continue
to love the Lord your God with all of your heart, soul and mind and love your
neighbor as a person like yourself. That
is our work.
ok I like it. Thanks for sharing!