Sunday, July 2, 2017

Our Christian Mission

            I have never liked the story of Abraham taking Isaac to Mount Moriah at the urging of God and to there offer him as a sacrifice.  I know that it was simply a test, to see how Abraham would respond and if he indeed would obey God at all costs.  It seems to me that God tested Abraham at the beginning by requiring him to go from Ur to the vicinity of Jerusalem and again when he told him that his offspring would be as numerous as the stars in the sky.  He also tested him when he gave Sarah and Abraham a son at their old age.  Why is it necessary now to see whether or not Abraham is obedient?  God certainly had plenty of evidence of this great man’s loyalty.

            Sin is certainly a constant in our lives.  Paul tells us not to sin willingly because our sins will be forgiven, even if that is certainly the case.  What God gave to all of humanity in the gift of his only Son Jesus is the constant of forgiveness.  That God’s love for all of us is stronger than any attempt that we might make to make gods of ourselves.  I am heartened by this wonderful information because of the age that we are living in where bombast and arrogance seem to be the political means at work.  Looking back at history, this has probably always been the case.  Attila, Alexander, Napoleon, Mussolini, Hitler and Stalin were all arrogant and narcissistic and they produced a great deal of injury in this world.  Through perseverance and care, these people were all defeated and better cultures took their places.  We still have people like this trying to rule the world; but it seems clear to me that this is not the way of God.  The tyrants in our midst will all find that their way is not God’s way and they will not ultimately prevail.

            When I look at the life of Jesus of Nazareth, I see a deeply Godly man who lived a life of constant love.  He taught, healed, forgave and moved his world forward.  He created a group of followers who took his life and his teachings into the world to continue his work.  Jesus eventually lost his ministry and his life to those who thought that they were superior to him.  The people who ruled the church and the society conspired to shut down his work by arresting him, trying him and crucifying him.  This was their way of dealing with a threat to their arrogant work.  The wonderful ending of this story is the resurrection of Jesus and his appearance to his disciples and sending them into the world to continue his work.  All of those disciples, except John lost their lives also, but the love, the care and the forgiveness that Jesus brought into this world continues today in the work of the church universal.  God’s love prevails.

            Our mission as Christians is to continue that work.  To look at this world through God’s eyes and to see the pain and the suffering that is all around us.  Politicians don’t do that.  They look for the place where votes will emerge and keep them in office.  It is up to those of us who love God to do what is necessary in this world to alleviate the pain that is so obvious to us, if not to our elected leaders.  God’s gifts to us are numerous.  We are loved and we are forgiven.  There is not much more that we need.  Those who suffer need more.  They need our caring for them to help to take their suffering away.  This is the gift that we can give back to God for the incessant love that has so graciously given to all          

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