Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Easter!

            I’ve never experienced a resurrection.  Not that I haven’t wanted to.  There have been a number of times when I have stood beside a casket at a funeral and have looked at the grieving family and I’ve wished that I could somehow bring their loved one back to them.  Grief is a difficult thing to experience.  We all have done it.  Even grieving over the death of a pet is a hard thing to go through. 

            This isn’t a day of grief, it is a day of joy at the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, who died that horrible death on the cross on Good Friday and was buried in a borrowed tomb.  That death produced grief on the part of all of Jesus’ followers, his family and his friends and we all experienced the loss of our Lord who meant so much to this world.  The message of Good Friday is that the God whom we all worship is dead.  God came to earth in the form of Jesus of Nazareth, and showed us all the love, mercy, compassion and joy that God has intended for all of us.  Our response to that outpouring of love was to kill our Lord and to ignore the consequences of that.

            I have had the experience of walking through the church on Holy Saturday, the day after Good Friday and have smelled the flowers that the altar guild has set out for the following day and I have thought that there was something wrong here.  Holy Saturday is the day that God is dead.  Why are we celebrating?  Yes, I know that time is of the essence and that the Altar Guild really had no choice in their timing. They had to get it all done.

            But now it is Easter.  This is a day to celebrate the beauty of the resurrection of our Lord, the giving back to us of the Son of God who took away the sins of the world and who made so many lives brighter with his love.  Simply listening to the stories that we have told of the mercies that he brought to so many people is enough to help us to see the beauty that God has conferred on this world by the life of his Son. 

            Today, we receive the greatest gift that can be given to any of us:  the certainty of resurrection and eternal life.  When the Irish experience a death, they many times have what is called a “wake”.  This is a time of celebration for the life of the deceased and the certainty that their loved one has attained eternal life.  That is a wonderful idea.  Celebration at the time of death might seem to be out of place, but it is a statement of the truth of our faith.  We will see each other again when we all find ourselves in the arms of God.

            The story that is told in John’s Gospel about the resurrection is remarkable.  Mary Magdalene goes to the tomb early in the morning and finds the stone rolled away and the tomb empty.  She runs and tells Peter and the other disciples that “they have taken the Lord’s body away and I don’t know where they have laid him.”  Peter and the other disciple, the one that Jesus loved, ran to the tomb and found it empty.  They saw the linens lying apart, but didn’t understand what had happened.  They returned to their homes. 

            Mary stood outside the tomb weeping.  Two angels were there who asked her, “woman, why are you weeping?”  She told them that it was because they had taken her Lord away and that she didn’t know where they had laid him.  She turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she didn’t know that it was Jesus, she supposed that it was the gardener.  She said to him, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where he is and I will take him away.  Jesus said to her, “Mary!” Mary said to him “Rabbouni”, which means teacher and she reached out to touch him.  Jesus said not to hold on to him because he has not ascended to the father. Her tears of grief turned into tears of joy. Mary ran and told the disciples: “I have seen the Lord!”

            I can’t imagine a more wonderful story.  Mary’s grief is incredible and when Jesus says her name, Mary! It creates great joy in her where grief had been the only thing that she had been able to feel.  This is the Lord’s presentation of resurrection to all of us in a way that we can take   for our own.  It helps me to imagine that after my death, I will see a strange figure before me who will turn out to be my Lord.  Jesus will turn and say Rodge! And I will know that my life in eternity has started. That is the message of Easter and it is why it is the greatest holiday of our year.  God bless all of you.  Enjoy yourselves on this wonderful day!

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